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June 26, 2008


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Just yesterday, my husband and I were at the grocery store when he picked out a watermelon and goes, "Hey - look, only $5.99 each!"

Me: "$5.99 each? Or per pound?"

Him: "Each...wait a sec, lemme get a bigger watermelon."

We picked out the biggest one in the pile - it was easily twice the size of the original one he picked up. Maybe 15 pounds? We'll be eating watermelon for at least a week.

You can also look for mislabeled prices in the deli. The other day chili relleno's were labeled at $1.99 lb when they should have been 1.99 each. The guy I sold them to bought four for $1.99. The computer rang them up at $1.99 each but the store has a accurate price guarantee and we had to sell them for the labeled price at $1.99 per lb. We had to change the label as soon as he was gone.

Another tip is to always shake the water off produce that is sold by weight. My local grocery sprays lettuce every 3-5 min, and all that water can make a big difference in price.

I always wonder if I'm the only person weighing produce - I never see anyone else doing it. I usually do it because I'm working towards a budgeted total on my bill, but this is another great reason.

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