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July 09, 2008


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Your 'act dumb' tactic is exactly what Columbo used to employ, if you're old enough to remember the old TV show. In his pursuit of the killer, he would ask for clarification just one more time....until his subject implicated himself by saying one thing too many.

I recently got a 15% discount on a blouse and suit at Macy's just by asking the cashier if there were any discounts she coudld apply. It turned out there was a 15% coupon good for that day which she had in the register and could scan for me.

I have to say that I'm a bit disappointed in you if you're advocating misrepresenting yourself or being dishonest by "playing dumb." I've been reading your blog for a couple weeks now and enjoy it very much, and I've gotten the impression that you're a Christian based on your articles on tithing. If so, please count the cost, brother.

I see what you're saying, Jeff. I think you do have to be careful not to misrepresent yourself to the point where you're lying.

However, I think "letting the other guy win" is an essential part of a proper negotiation, and letting them feel superior is one step towards giving them their win so you can claim your own.

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