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July 07, 2008


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When we went on a recent family vacation, I also looked at what we could just purchase easier there. Sharing shampoo and as many supplies as I could at our destination managed to save us a good bit of room. I usually go grocery shopping for snacks and breakfasts when we go someplace anyways, so this was an easy addition to add.

My wife travels a lot for her work, so she has learned a lot from her trials from air travel. One of the things that she does is get those vacuum bags. She can pack more clothes in a carry-on than some people can in full sized luggage. They can get expensive, but if you travel a lot and want to avoid the fees, then the vacuum bags are a great idea.

If you don't know what these are, go here:

Fly Southwest Airlines if possible. They don't charge for extra bags and they are usually a cheaper option anyway.

Don’t despair. You can “lighten up” in ways that give you benefits instead of fits. Lightweight travel is safer and easier than carrying a heavy load of things you don’t need.

In four decades of advising people what to pack, the common thread is that they aren’t sure what to take, so they take too much. My husband and I have been traveling overseas on long trips since 1971. We take only carry-on bags that each weigh 15 to 17 pounds full and we dress well. People kept asking how we did it so I published two books (see my dot com)that show how.

You don't need those space bags. You can accomplish the same thing with regular, zippered plastic bags, which come in sizes up to 2.5 gallons.

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