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July 25, 2008


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It's a twist on the idea of "buyers remorse." Considering how unemotional you stated you are about a house, I'm not sure this something you would have regret about.

Do you feel the same abouts the asking or selling price of your house?

We have sold our home and are looking to buy. The homes we would like to buy seem to all be over priced, comparied to what we got for our home and what people want for homes that do not meet our wants.


It's a twist on the idea of "buyers remorse." Considering how unemotional you stated you are about a house, I'm not sure this something you would have regret about.

Bob --

Yep, I look at both the buying and selling prices as an unattached observer. I'm expecting big savings on the home we're buying and big losses (versus a few years ago) on the home we'll be selling. Under no circumstance will we sell our home for a pittance and buy a place at a seller's unreasonably high price.

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