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July 17, 2008


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And not only for books. I can't remember the last time I paid for a movie rental.

I saw something on the news this morning about challenging some lady in NYC to brown bag her lunch for a week. She said she routinely spent $40-50 a week and sometimes as much as $80. Amazingly with eating habits like that she actually looked like she was in decent shape.

Dateline: New York City


Riding a bicycle to work prevents you from having to buy gasoline.

$50 a week for lunch in NYC is not extravagant. That's the cost of a regular sandwich and a drink at a (takeout) place in Midtown (when you include tax). Obviously, if you are looking to cut costs, you can find cheaper alternatives, but you seem to be under the impression she's eating at a smorgasbord to rack up such costs, Kevin--she's not. She's having the kind of lunch a U.S. professional would assume as the default.

Sarah - I realize that might be the cost for 5 days a week. Even in St. Louis you can spend $8 or 9 bucks on a sandwich & drink. My point was that means she was eating out 5 days a week and was surprised that she spent $50 a week. This woman was a lawyer I believe so I'm sure she knows simple math. For example 5 hours billed at $500 a hour is $2,500.

Until I started reading PF blogs, I always assumed the default was to brown-bag your lunch. That's what I've always done since I attended high school, and it's what I will continue to do. Much, much cheaper.

Paying a lot of money for a sandwhich is one of those things I have never, ever understood.

From day one at my office, I have brought my lunch to work. Estimated cost of $2 to $2.50 per day. In the past year or so, I've noticed that the refrigerator is much more full. Another thing I've never understood is why frugality is apparently only important in a slowing economy.

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