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August 26, 2008


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This is just great. Take a failed educational system that already costs us a boat load of money and start giving more money away to encourage students (I use the term loosely in the case of the group this program is targeting) to behave properly. What happened to good old public humiliation and capital punishment? Act out in class and get spanked in front of your peers. Don't make the grade? Get held back as your peers move on. Having two kids of my own I can tell you that a little embarrassment goes a long way. More money is NOT the answer.

That's awful, but why didn't the husband put it somewhere safe, like a high interest rate savings account??

Why not use that amount of money to hire more teachers (or pay teachers more to put up with the grief) ultimately allowing smaller classroom sizes. Or supplies?

The guy who bought the DVD probably opened the case to look for scratches, saw the cash inside and paid for it as fast as he could.

Oh man, that was something that always seemed weird for me...that kids would get money for getting Bs and Cs, and I got nothing for getting As!

I guess whatever works...

Rick: DCPS has a lot of money. That's not why the system is failing. As for holding kids back, considering that the graduation rate hovers below 60% I don't think that's going to do much, do you?

The new chancellor of DC schools, Michelle Rhee, is doing some interesting and gutsy things to try to turn DCPS around. Like firing teachers, and revamping their union agreements so they get paid for doing a good job rather than being there a long time. It's not just a novel idea for DC - it's a novel idea for education in general, and I hope it works.

All that said, I don't know whether this new incentive system will work. It should get more kids in class, which is half the battle (the level of parental involvement in DC is atrocious). Unfortunately, the bank accounts will be accessible by debit card so the kids will probably spend it as quickly as they earn it. I think a better system would be a savings account they can't access until they graduate.

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