In my post tiled Networking is Vital to Career Success a reader made the following comment:
FMF - I've heard a lot of people recently talking about LinkedIn as a networking source. Do you have any experience or thoughts about it? I'm trying to get a good network going to promote myself and my firm to generate new business and thought this might be a good way to do so.
For those of you who don't know, LinkedIn helps you "get the most from your professional network" by connecting you with people you've worked with, people they've worked with, and so on. The idea is that when you then need to find a job, develop a business opportunity, find a specific contact, etc., your expanded network can help.
I haven't joined LinkedIn yet, so I can't speak about the usefulness of the site, but I like the concept. I may take the plunge sometime in the future, but for now I'd like to ask those of you more familiar with the site: is it a good career tool?
I am on linked in, I am "linked" with many people at my firm. I can see it as a convenient "rolodex" that also has the edge of giving you up to date information on where your contacts are currently working, etc.
It is not much use to me at this moment, but if I ever need to start looking for a new job, I'll probably starting with my linkedin contacts.
Posted by: Jake | August 18, 2008 at 11:43 AM
I would say it is a good tool, but that it is just a tool. It assists in keeping network contacts up to date as to what our network is doing since they last updated their profile...but it doesn't (and shouldn't) replace the networking that we would still have to do to keep in touch with those contacts.
I like it more for the postings that other companies post that relate to your specific field of work, the ability to ask questions, and see news relevant to your field fo work.
Posted by: Mark | August 18, 2008 at 12:20 PM
I am also on LinkedIn, though I have very few connections on it. The main reason behind that is that I have held very few jobs where my co-workers would be on LinkedIn. Though in my current position I have more people joining the network and I am making connections. It basically depends if the field you are in, people are on it then it's a good investment of your time otherwise don't bother.
Posted by: Justin Yost | August 18, 2008 at 12:50 PM
I just use it as a rolodex as well, not much useful for me beyond that, for the moment.
Posted by: Bee | August 18, 2008 at 01:01 PM
I've used LinkedIn and find it very useful. It helps me keep in contact with old colleagues. It helps to have a few recommendations and a strong network that you would feel comfortable reaching out to. Otherwise, it is not useful. Most of my connections are ex-colleagues or clients from past jobs. It does not help to link to your friends who are in completely different industries. If you want to keep in contact with friends, just use Facebook.
I've gotten requests for interviews from past colleagues and from HR departments of actual companies, not headhunters, though there are those on LinkedIn. It is a great way to keep connected with old clients that you have worked with in the past, created a strong relationship with, and maybe, sometime in the future, would like to collaborate with again.
Posted by: Katy | August 18, 2008 at 01:52 PM
I use linkedin and find it very useful. I receive at least one call a week from headhunters/recruiters. I follow up with almost all of them. I've found job opening I never knew of and wouldn't have found without it.
Posted by: John | August 18, 2008 at 02:30 PM
I'm on it. I have connected with a few people outside my field by asking and answering questions in their Q&A section. They basically helped me turn my CV into a resume which worked pretty good. I would disagree with Katy above and say that it does not "help" to link up with people you already know in your own industry. Here it is much faster to write a mail or pick up the phone. The real valuable connections are those two links out e.g. people you vaguely know but who knows someone important.
Posted by: Early Retirement Extreme | August 18, 2008 at 02:49 PM
It would be good to know what field the commenters above are in. From acquaintances, I have heard that it is great for people in technology etc but I have found it kind of lacking for my own area.
Posted by: guinness416 | August 18, 2008 at 03:25 PM
Hi. I am french and I am on it. This networking website is more and more famous on this side of the Atlantic.
I wrote a post on my blog to say that is a good one !
Posted by: William | August 18, 2008 at 03:57 PM
In my opinion, the biggest advantage of LinkedIn is the ability to see where your former coworkers are now. If you have the desire to find a job in a new industry or geographic area, a search of your contacts (as well as their connections) can help you determine whether you know someone that can help you out - either in finding out more information about an organization, or in landing an interview. I've twice served as the connection between people looking to fill open positions - resulting in a hire in one case.
Posted by: Jenny | August 18, 2008 at 04:06 PM
I've been using LinkedIn for quite a while and have found it be very useful in finding people with an expertise I'm needing at the moment. It'd be cool if commenters here would live their linkedin profiles so we could connect as FMF readers. Here's mine:
Posted by: Jesse | August 18, 2008 at 07:03 PM
I've been LinkedIn for two years. Its done nothing for me. I've seen professionals and their clients praise each other to get high ratings. Bogus - doesn't impress me. Who would hire a professional based on that? Its the ebay of social networks.
Posted by: ToughMoneyLove | August 18, 2008 at 07:12 PM
I like LinkedIn, primarily as a self-updating Rolodex. I haven't been on it for long enough for job offers or those sorts of things to crop up, but I'm happy where I am and I'm not seeking to leave.
In my industry (consumer electronics manufacturing) it's very useful to know and keep track of people from other companies that are potential partners.
The other interesting thing is looking up the profiles of others in the industry to get an idea of what their job entails, their promotion history, etc. I found it interesting to see what I do in my position, versus someone with the same title at a different company.
Posted by: Trent D. | August 18, 2008 at 07:35 PM
I actually passed a consulting opportunity on to a (not that close, obviously) friend when I saw on his LinkedIn profile that he was now an independent consult. And he got the job, so that's one LinkedIn success.
I think, like all networking, you have to build your connections when you don't need them, so they are there for you when you do need them.
Posted by: Alanna | August 19, 2008 at 09:27 AM
I got one unsolicited interview offer from an associate of a past co-worker, and got another interview through a former classmate who I only had contact with on Linkedin.
I haven't actually gotten a job from it, but I'd say it's in the "can't hurt" part of my job hunting toolbox.
Posted by: Richard | August 19, 2008 at 11:48 AM
I like it. I've gotten some job offers from it (though I'm not really looking and they weren't what I'd want if I was looking). It's a nice way to keep in touch with former colleagues because it will automatically generate a list of people from your former companies that are on LinkedIn. I'm an engineer and as someone mentioned there are a lot of technology people using it so that is good for me.
The stupid part is the recommendations thing. That is kind of lame.
Posted by: Mike B. | August 19, 2008 at 06:23 PM
I'm in advertising and located in California, and I find it very useful. Note that in hi-tech and related fields, many more people use linkedin. Also, since I often work as a contractor, it is helpful for me in terms of increasing the reach of my personal network. Job recruiters regularly contact me for open positions through linkedin based on searches they conduct.
The main benefits for me are:
1. people looking for candidates can search and find my profile
2. whenever someone I'm connected with updates their profile, I can see it without having to take any action
3. I can search for people and see how best to contact them, either directly or through someone that we both know.
Posted by: briang467 | August 21, 2008 at 05:10 PM
I am on linked in again after having deleted my profile there for 2 years. Services seems to have changed some (levels of subscription, etc). I also found that an alarming number of present and past colleagues have very inaccurate information in their profiles (e.g., titles, duties, etc). I find that concerning, but will leave my profile up nonetheless should I need a tool for networking later on.... with a grain of salt given to profiles I read.
Posted by: LMJ | August 25, 2008 at 01:08 AM
I decided not to take it. Because look at the time people write the comments. Such a bitch company!
Posted by: linkedin | March 20, 2009 at 10:29 AM