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« Anyone Ever Heard of This Tradition? | Main | Two Things Needed to Be Happy in Life »

August 14, 2008


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Interesting interview, but next time I wouldn't mention that you let them write both the questions and the answers... :)

I really like Dealnews a lot. Their web site is easy to navigate and does have really good deals, especially around christmas time!

Just wanted to share my experiences with how to save money.

1) Recycle. A lot of useful things could be recycled. Try to practice creativity. Those carton boxes? Make it a fort to repel your children's attacks. How about those wasted papers? Well, if you can, make your child paint something on the blank side and make a wallpaper out of it (yes, I know this is only good for those who have children that acquired Michaelangelo's brain)

2)Garage Sales. I'm sure as hell you have those items that are still in mint condition but which you cannot use (next time gauge the value of the product before even buying it. If you will only use it once, it's better to borrow from your neighbors.)

3) Scratch my back, I scratch yours. If you have a talent your neighbor(which is a painter) needs (e.g. plumbing) and you need a painter, why not help each other out. Tell him you need something painted and in return you'll unclog his toilet bowl (tell him next time not to throw his hmm.. questionable materials next time)

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