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October 01, 2008


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I am using them because they offer one of the highest interest rates and they have an extra "boost" with certain merchants. I'm currently saving for a vacation next year (Apple Vacations maybe?) and furniture (Pottery Barn).

The other plus: when I contacted them for support and to make some comments, they sent me directly to the founders of the company, Mike and Jon. Not everyday that happens!

I did forget to mention that I might try to have my relatives send me SmartyPig gift cards for Christmas or contribute directly to our savings goals instead of sending gifts.

Never heard of them before I saw the ad on your site and The Simple Dollar. How about a brief write up of what they offer fans of FMF?

Eh, too many fees.

Noah --

What fees specifically? Isn't it free?

It is good for "forced" savings as you have to contribute at least $25 monthly that is automatically withdrawn from your linked account. The money is not accessible until the goal that you defined is met or manually stopped.

Like Kevin (above) I have never heard of them. I have to admit that I didn't notice the pink pig either until you pointed it out. :-)

I hate to say this, but every few months or so, all the personal finance sites post articles about SmartyPig, which sucks due to all the fees. I don't know why you all tout this, I'm guessing a kickback.

Ryan --

As I said above, they are a sponsor here.

But what fees are you referring to?

They used to have fees, but it appears the fees have been eliminated. My mistake.

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