For those of you interested in personal finance, skip this post. For those of you who blog, may have a blog at some time, have a site that's "the next great thing", have a site you want me to promote (or "mention" to my readers), have a book you want me to promote/review, etc., this post is for you.
The amount of email I get on a daily basis is becoming overwhelming, so I thought I'd write a post to let everyone know where I stand on a variety of requests coming my way. Then I can direct people to this post if need be for future reference.
Anyway, here is how I operate this blog in regards to the many requests I receive each day:
If you want to write a guest post, I'm open to that. I love to hear what others have to say. But there are some conditions. First, the piece has to offer value to my readers. Don't know what my readers like? Then read this blog and you'll find out. Second, the piece needs to be original (not found elsewhere.) You can publish it later on your site, but I want to have it to myself for at least a month. Third, I will provide a link to your site as long as it's your blog and NOT a blatantly commercial site you're trying to promote or gain in the search engines by writing a piece here and getting a link. That's what advertising is for (which is still subject to approval.) For more specifics, see what it takes to write for FMF.
I trade blogroll links with other bloggers once they've been writing for at least three months. I like to see what your blog is like and that you're committed to it before I put a link up. Do not start a blog and on day one ask me to link to it.
It's ok to send me PR pitches (on new sites, new research, etc.), but don't expect a response. If I need more information, want to speak to someone, etc., I'll contact you.
I'm sure your new affiliate program is the greatest thing since sliced bread, but I'm probably not interested. Sure, send me the details, but I'll only contact you if I'm interested.
I do not review articles that you're posting on your site prior to you posting them. You can write/edit for yourself. I also don't review sites to "give you some tips." If you want tips, see what I've already written about blogging.
If you have a book you want me to review, I may or may not want to even read it. If I do say I'd like a copy, that's no guarantee that I'll write a review on it (thought I will read it.) If you want to email me a book title to think about, then send me an email. If I'm interested, I'll respond. If I'm not, I won't.
I LOVE helping readers. If you're a reader and you have a question, send it on. I'll post it as soon as I can, but it usually takes a week or two before I can find a slot for it. I will NOT provide an answer myself (I'm often not qualified to do so -- besides, I don't have that much time and often need more info), but the readers here will certainly provide some tips that will help you to decide what's best for you.
When commenting, do not leave your URL in the comment section. If you fill out the form correctly, a link from your name will be automatically generated to your site. That way people wanting to visit your site can easily click through and visit. Therefore, putting your URL in the text area of the comment section is unnecessary, a bit spammy, and will be deleted.
There, that's all out in the open. Everyone knows my thinking on each of these topics so from now on, anyone asking about any of these issues will not receive a response from me if their question has been answered here. To help people find this post, I'll link to it from my sidebar in the "About FMF" section. If people don't take two minutes to do a bit of research on what this site is about before they contact me, then that's their problem.
I'm glad that's over. Now back to our regularly scheduled programming...
Update (1-21-09) -- I'm getting a lot of "comments" with "names" such as "payday loan", "find the right credit card," and so on. I'm also getting links left to specific pages that are ads or do not apply in any way to the post. I WILL edit/delete these sorts of comments. I reserve the full right to edit/delete any comment that I feel is inappropriate. Just want to be clear with you all.
Ummmm, I want your problems. I'm glad to see people admire your site. Like others (many others I suppose), I'm striving to be the biggest pea in the pod too. Hopefully, good content will get me there, rather than the next gimmick.
Posted by: Caleb @ Blueprint Economics | November 20, 2008 at 12:09 PM
Sorry I emailed you about the post I am publishing on Tuesday. I didn't actually want to you proofread it for me - I can do that myself. I just thought it might be something interesting and useful for your readers. I won't bother you with anything like that again, and I'm sorry I wasted your time.
Posted by: Paul Williams @ Crackerjack Greenback | November 20, 2008 at 01:37 PM
Paul --
If you were the only one, it wouldn't be an issue. But, unfortunately, I get that more than you'd expect.
Posted by: FMF | November 20, 2008 at 01:48 PM
That's ok. I understand. I can imagine you have lots of people emailing you stuff like that. I just thought the article I had would be useful because it was more of an inside look at how financial advisers get paid (I'm a financial planner). I bring up some issues that most people never talk about when discussing conflicts of interest in the financial services industry. (And some that have been beaten to death.)
I'll respect your time more in the future. And like Caleb said, I wish I had your problems! ;)
Posted by: Paul Williams @ Crackerjack Greenback | November 20, 2008 at 01:54 PM
Paul --
If you want to email me a link to review once you post it, you can feel free to do that.
Posted by: FMF | November 20, 2008 at 02:01 PM
Thanks, I'll do that. :)
Posted by: Paul Williams @ Crackerjack Greenback | November 20, 2008 at 03:44 PM
Guys, remember that FMF has a busy professional life besides this blog. I bet quite a few of his peers don't even have time for their families, let alone for maintaining a top-notch blog.
Posted by: F | November 20, 2008 at 04:04 PM
I've looked at both Caleb and Paul's blogs. They seem to be excellent. Paul has better pictures, Caleb, sorry...But FMF is the granddaddy of them all, even without pictures! Blessings and best wishes to all of you.
Posted by: Norma | November 22, 2008 at 11:33 AM
I recently came across your blog and have been reading along. I thought I would leave my first comment. I don't know what to say except that I have enjoyed reading. Nice blog. I will keep visiting this blog very often.
Posted by: Deborah | December 12, 2008 at 09:17 PM