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December 08, 2008


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Two of them would buy one roll of nickels. My understanding is that the common nickel is the only coin with a composition that has remained unchanged for decades. Supposedly, it costs 35% more than a nickel to make a nickel. So why not get some while the getting's good?

Maybe I don't get out enough because the only place I have seen or read anything about these coins is right here on this blog. One of these days I'll have to go the the US mint site just to see what one looks like.

Buying stuff at historical reenactments. Especially if you're one of the actors that have to buy something. Nothing like being in full costume and getting caught handing over a wad of bills by a patron.

The five-cent nickel (there was also a three-cent nickel 1865-1889 - this was actually a useful coin at that time when first-class postage was three cents) has had a composition
of 75% copper and 25% nickel since it was introduced in 1866. Nickel is a very very hard metal and would be difficult to coin without a softer metal added.

The composition of the nickel was changed to meet wartime constraints in mid-1942 by eliminating the nickel, reducing the copper, and adding silver and (!) manganese. These coins are distinguishable by a large mint mark (P, D, S) prominently placed on the reverse above the dome of Monticello, and also tend to acquire a darker appearance in circulation. The traditional composition of the nickel was restored in 1946 after World War II ended.

Interestingly, the large mint marks were used to facilitate removal of the coins from circulation by banks (for recovery of the silver) after the war, but plans were apparently scrapped, as this did not occur. These coins do sometimes appear in circulation today

LOL! Now you'll be able to use two of them to buy a can of pop or a bottle of tap water from a vending machine.

One bright idea behind foisting dollar coins on the public (you'll enjoy lugging them around in your pocket, eh?) is to make it easier to jack up the price of goods sold through vending machines.

They'll be great for the one-armed bandits in Vegas, too. :-D

It looks like the free shipping has ended. $4.95 for standard shipping of $250 in coins.

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