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January 06, 2009


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That's just... cheap. =/

poor Macy's...

Another reason to not use debit cards... its YOUR money that gets caught in the mix!

I agree with Frank. Use the credit option on your check card at point of sale, it's much safer.

But I gotta commend Macy's a little bit on this one. From the news article, it seems like they're taking the initiative to set this right. Low expectations perhaps, but I've experienced worse.

Nevertheless, I agree with FMF that Macy's is a lousy place to shop. What little they have I actually want is wildly overpriced.

I also agree with FMF on this one. I think that the last time I shopped there was for a wedding registry gift for a friend. The clerk couldn't have been less interested in our purchase. They were out of stock on the item we wanted so she (the clerk) asked us if we wanted to pay to have it shipped to this store from another location. Obviously I passed on that offer; I was dumbfounded that they'd even suggest such a thing. It's unfortunate that they bought out a beloved retailer that we used to have in this area.

I do like Macy's to a degree, however, I shop there on a limited basis because of the following:

Limited cashiers - Almost all the time (including the Christmas season), they have only a limited number of people working the cash register. At Dillard's, I usually do not have to wait.

Discounts - It seems you need to have one of their credit cards to get most of the discounts. That bothers me. I do not want any more cards. If I see someone else getting a discount that is not available to me, I will go elsewhere.

I caught this on TV the other day, I think it was on the Dave Ramsey show...

Someone claimed that Macy*s had raised the interest rate on their store card to something like 70.2 percent APR. (it was over 70% and less than 80%). I think it was an email from a viewer, so Dave didn't have an opportunity to ask about it.

jimL.....just get the damn card retard!

Mistakes like this happen,because Macy's pays their help poorly, yet ride them like rented mules, so the fatigue factor plays a part. If your on salary at Macy's, your working 70 hours a week.
And they still call you at home.

I have a Macys Gift card for 125.00
I wanted to buy a nice bag. Went to the COACH store and got the bag I wanted for 180.00
yet at Macys I would have had to use my gift card and still pitch in 180.00
And why dont they sell Maternity clothes?!? Macys Money is like 1/3 of the money any where else.
Im Bummed. Cant even get a wallet for the 125.00 to go with my Gorgeous new bag!

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