In their February issue, The Family Handyman has this advice on saving money on your homeowner's insurance if you're retired:
If you're over 55 and retired, you may qualify for an additional 10 percent discount. Insurers figure that you'll be around the house more and are less likely to be burglarized. You'll also be more attuned to disasters in the making and have more time for home maintenance projects.
Ok, so if the issue is "being around the home more = insurance discount", then what about couples where one spouse is at home most of the time? For instance, my wife is home much more than most people, so shouldn't we be able to get a discount too? Has anyone heard of this? Or maybe the "retirement" discount above is more of a "senior citizen's" discount.
I should probably ask my agent about this...
If you do ask your agent, please post whatever the answer is. I'm sure I'm not the only work-at-home reader you've got. :)
Posted by: ObliviousInvestor | January 29, 2009 at 05:19 PM
Just goes to show....if you don't don't get. Good tip.
Posted by: Neal Frankle | January 29, 2009 at 05:53 PM
Define 'retired'.
Posted by: poor boomer | January 29, 2009 at 08:26 PM
passing this along to my Mom who just retired today!
Posted by: thomas | January 31, 2009 at 02:15 AM