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February 09, 2009


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That's a really cool idea! I bet your friends will love it.

I wish they were gold. :-)

Love this idea--who doesn't want a treasure chest filled with gold coins? I'd like it even if they were chocolate!--maybe even more!

...I totally have a new plan for when my friend gets married this year.

Your treasure chest idea sounds like a wonderful gift. My husband and I received something similar when we got married a little over a year ago. Our gold coins were gifted to us in a large piggy bank decorated by our friends. It's our "date-night" piggy bank and where all our loose change goes now.

I think it was a great idea!

What did you do with 1,500 gold coins??

I am now using them for all cash purchases under $5, birthday/holiday gifts of one roll ($20), allowances to my kids, and vending machines where they're accepted. Retail recipients seem to no longer give it a second thought when I use them (as opposed to six months ago). Gift recipients, however, are somewhat confused.

Re: Amex Blue. All are purchased from the Mint using my Countrywide card, which yields me back 2% from the very first dollar spent. Ka-ching! :-)

Are you saying that you have 1500 coins now? (Well, 1400 after the gift.)

When your coins are mailed to you from the mint -- are they just put in your mailbox? Or do you have to pick them up at the post office? I don't think I'd want $500 sitting in my mail box.

Dollar coins might be nice in a money lei. In Hawaii, leis made out of folded bills (or coins wrapped in cellophane) are popular presents for graduations and such.

Cathy --

I have ordered 1,500, but have used many of them in the ways I've suggested in the past. Check the links above for details.

Ann --

Yes, they are delivered in my mailbox -- in a very generic box. No one would know what they were.

I really DON'T see what the big fuss about dollar coins is all about. In Canada we have both a 1$ and a 2$ coin and honestly, I prefer having them in coin form than bill form.

I suppose in a few years Americans will have gotten used to the idea...

That's not a bad idea. I remember for my wedding I received a small crystal vase that was filled with $$. Best gift ever.

They have dollar coins in Australia too, it is very handy at the end of the week as you can find quite a bit of money at the bottom of your purse!

I love this idea. I have done origami dollars for the nieces and nephews of a certain age, but this is even a better idea. There are just certain people/situations that money is a very useful gift. When we got married the money and home depot gift cards were more appreciated than the ugly water fountain.

I've ordered $500 in coins and plan to give them as gifts and for tips. They are also great for the tooth fairy to trade for little teeth.

I love this idea and will have to keep it in mind. If I received it, I would think it was neat but would immediately take the coins to the bank to deposit them.

Now that you mention it, I might have to look into buying some coins just to earn the cash back. You could rack up some cash back with this, especially with free shipping.

I have my very own treasure chest of golden coins. Your first post about free shipping from the mint motivated me to get 500 golden coins of my own and put them in a pirate-y chest that I had lying around.

I use them a lot for tips and panhandlers. The reaction when you hand someone a few is priceless.

Jessica -
I think the issue is that there's not ENOUGH of a fuss about them to get them circulated, which is why the US Mint is making these kinds of promotions. The fuss you see on personal finance sites like this is the fact that they allow you to purchase them with a credit card with no extra fee and with free delivery, resulting in "free" cash back rewards or cash advance.

Personally, I liked the idea someone posted a while back about putting them in a jar in your toilet tank. A relatively safe hiding place (at least in my house) that helps you save water with every flush.

It has been ten years since the U.S. Mint released the first golden dollar.
We as Americans are creatures of habit and will never use them until Congress gets it....WE HAVE TO GET RID OF THE DOLLAR BILL.
It costs us $500,000,000 a year to print $1 bills. If all of that money saved was dedicated to a specific purpose, for instance, our brave veterans, Americans will get used to using the golden dollars.
England does not have a 1 pound note and there is no 1 euro note...they use COINS.
The average life of a dollar bill is 2 years vs. the dollar coin...40 years.

I agree that the $1 bills should be withdrawn from circulation gradually and replaced with $1 coins. It would save the mint a bunch of money and bills are just plain nasty to handle.

I have gotten the coins in change a few times now and am seeing more and more vending machines that accept them. I FAR prefer using coins for the random soda, etc (not that I do that a LOT). I never seem to have a bill crisp and new enough to go through the darn reader slot thing.

I'd miss the penny, but can see that it has outlived its usefulness. (on a tangent - does the $9.99 pricing REALLY fool anybody?)

are you allowed to order that many coins, deposit them, and then purchase them again? or is there a limit? haha. infinite money cycling.

Ok, so we had some friend got married and we did the 100 x $1 gold coins a year ago after I read this blog. We are thinking of doing it again for another wedding. We were told we had the most unique gift.

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