As you might imagine, I read (or at least skim/review quickly) hundreds of personal finance articles every single weekday. I can only feature a handful of those pieces on this blog and a lot of great stuff goes to waste. I've tried to combat this in part by having a weekly roundup of what I've called "star money articles" -- articles from around the web that I thought were especially good -- but a lot of good stuff still goes without a single mention. I think I now have a solution for that.
I've started to post pieces I find interesting on a Twitter account I just started. I list a few words of commentary and then a link to what I consider to be interesting posts, but ones I probably won't cover here at Free Money Finance. If you're interested in checking these out, simply visit my Twitter site or follow along on the bottom left side bar of this blog. In addition to personal finance articles you may get a bit of insight into my private life, for those of you interested in that sort of stuff (not too much of that -- and mostly on nights and weekends.) I know there's only so much kids/soccer/chess posts that people can handle. :-)
I'll still post some links here every other week or so, but for now this will be my main way to get through all the good stuff I find in a week. I may throw in a giveaway or two there, so keep your eyes open!!!
For now, here is the list of the carnivals Free Money Finance was in this week and my posts that were included:
Festival of Frugality - Paying Off a Mortgage by Brown Bagging Your Lunch
Carnival of Personal Finance - My Thoughts on the Economic Stimulus
P.S. Carnival Hosts -- If my post is in your carnival in a given week, please send me the URL to the carnival and I will include it in my weekly roundup.
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