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March 02, 2009


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Thanks for hosting and for including my post (Consumer Safety Resources from the Government on SPAM, Scams, Fraud, Phishing and Identity Theft).

Have a nice week,

Thanks for including my article: The Dreaded Bi-Weekly Paycheck!

Lisa Spinelli

Thanks for including my post as a top pick. Lots of great articles. I enjoyed FFB's post on using Google Calendar to pay bills on time.

Thanks for including my post on diamonds. I don't envy all the work you had to do putting this together. Great job!

Nicely done, FMF.

Thanks for hosting, and for including our post.

Thanks for including my post. There are a lot of great reads in the roundup.

Sweet! Thanks for the link and for hosting!

Thanks for hosting! And thanks for including Funny's report on "Shared Work," the Unemployment Insurance program that allows people who are furloughed but not laid off to collect a few dollars.

Thanks for hosting and including my post.

Thanks for hosting!

And thanks Green Panda, I need to really get my insurance lowered! Gotta check your article out!

Thanks for hosting -- for including Yielding Wealth!

Thanks for hosting and including my article on the tradeoff between job satisfaction and student loans!

Thanks for hosting FMF!

Very cool - thx for hosting!

Excellent collection.. A hot cuppa and lazy snowy afternoon to read em all.. :D

Thanks for hosting and including my post "Financial Crisis: Can You Spare A Dime For My Wealthy Friend?".

Best Wishes,

Thanks for taking on the hosting duties, and for including my item, "My first collections letter." Lots of good reading here, and good financial advice, too!

Thank you for including my article, "Value Investors on Twitter." Great carnival as always.

Grazie! Thanks for hosting the carnival and including my "Interview with a Practical Entrepreneur" entry! Lots of good content out there, it's a great time to be in need of personal finance info...


Thanks very much for hosting!

Thanks for hosting!

Thanks for including my YNAB Pro Review! And thanks for hosting; it's a lot of work, and you did a great job!

Hey, thanks for the inclusion; this is a great bunch this week!

Thank you for hosting and including my article!

Nice. look forward to reading these.

Thank you for hosting. It must be a lot of work. I've really been enjoying them all!

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