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April 26, 2009


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Wonderful giveaway!

thank you!

Hopefully, I will be blessed this time.

In it to win it!

I am in and have been following you on twitter too !

Count me in!

Pick me, pick me.

I'm in!


This will be a great way to get started investing. Hopefully it will end the confusion.

hip hip hooray.

another giveaway.

Thanks for the giveaway!

Thanks for the opportunity!


i think everybody can use some investing advice/reading in this time. thanks!

Sound Investing Sounds Good!

I'd love to win a copy of Sound Mind Investing.


Consider this my contest entry. And I'm now following you on twitter.

I would want a copy!

Free books always rock!

I could use a copy of this!!

I sure wish I could win a free copy!!!!!

Maybe now.

Sign me up.


Love these people

Wanta be a winner.

Thanks for the offer. Hope I win.

As always, a great giveaway, thanks for the entry.

Comment lalala

Hook me up!

I am in.


Get me one!

Hope I win! I also blogged about the contested.

I'm in.

Hoping for good!



Sing me up....again

sign me up.

Keeping my fingers crossed.

Thanks for the chance!

Free is always a good price

I obviously need to read a book about investing...

Yo! I'm in. Thanks.

I need a sound mind!!

Pick me! Pick me!

I could always use some new insights. Thanks for the opportunity.

The comments to this entry are closed.

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