Yahoo recently listed the following tips for getting some extra cash as follows:
- Sell Your Stuff Online
- Be a Shopping Spy
- Operate a Call Center From Your Home
- Tutor Students
- Join a Street Team
- Walk the Dogs
- Be a Babysitter
- Write for the Web
- Make Your Hobbies Pay Off
- Sell Your Unwanted Gold Jewelry
- Adjust Your Tax Withholding
Hmmm, this list looks rather familiar, doesn't it? :-)
I've covered most of these tips previously, but there are some that deserve another plug. Here they are:
Make a Good Side Income by Mowing Lawns - I'm amazed at what people can make by mowing yards. Guess I shouldn't be after seeing what most people pay to have their yards kept.
Make Six-Figures Walking and Watching Pets - Another amazing way to earn money IMO. When I get close to retirement, I think I'll start mowing lawns, walking dogs, and refereeing games on the weekend. I should be able to make a GREAT retirement salary doing these things alone.
- How to Become a Mystery Shopper - In case you're wondering about details on this money-making idea.
- Three Steps to Making Money Off Your Hobby - Maybe a way to love your work?
How about focus group?
Posted by: Jim | May 13, 2009 at 08:53 PM
I would add taking surveys, performing web searches (Swagbucks), viewing ads (YouData), completing bank offers, reading emails (Hits4Pay), and other online methods. Some of these don't pay very much, but they sure are easy and don't require much time at all. You can read more about these methods and more on my blog ("Make Money Online" page).
Posted by: Olivia | May 14, 2009 at 10:30 AM
Funny, I commented about that list in a post. Many of the tips weren't good options for me. I think I could realistically benefit from about 3 of them.
Posted by: Corporate Barbarian | May 14, 2009 at 12:46 PM
All of the suggestions would work but for long term success building a content rich website or blog that attracts plenty of free traffic from the search engines will result in a successful online business that can continue earning you money indefinately.
Posted by: Steve | May 14, 2009 at 04:54 PM
How about renting out your stuff to your community - tools, party accessories, costumes, cameras, etc. makes it really easy. Just register and post. It's a new community site that provides a myriad of opportunities for neighbors to connect.
Posted by: Remy | February 23, 2010 at 07:11 AM