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May 26, 2009


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I am excited to both host and participate.

In theory this carnival addresses a lot of the reasons I shy away from hosting other & information overload!

I am happily hosting on June 8th and encourage other bloggers to jump on board.

Thanks to FMF for the original idea.

It surely is a good idea to have carnival featuring only the best of the best.
The other ones are too long and not necessarily have the best collection of posts. This will hopefully fill up this space. Best wishes.

This sounds great. The very reason I have not been involved in blog carnivals is because of the sheer quantity (rather than quality) of the posts. This style of carnival actually interests me.

Thanks for doing this. I think it's a great idea. PF BLOGGERS.....start your engines!


I've been skipping over Carnival posts for months now because there are just too many entries.

I think carnivals on the whole would be more useful if they concentrated on one subject at a time, e.g. this week the "carnival of finance" will focus on "owner financing and real estate". That would cut down on the posts.

I would also suggest getting rid of the "no older than 2 weeks" rule.

I'm not really a fan of "best" because it is very hard to differentiate "best" with "this is what I agree with the most" (cf. amazon book ratings) or "this is the most popular" (cf. hit music).

Great idea for a carnival, I look forward to participating, and hosting!

Not bad. I skip Carnivals b/c of the lack of selection.

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