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June 15, 2009


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I was happy to see number 8 up there. I've always tried to think of myself as a student in a big way. It keeps you humble and of course it keeps you on top like Mike says.

These are all good tips, but I should add that the moment you are not genuine about any one of those things, everyone will be able to tell.

I would add "be grateful" to the list, but it's not exactly something you can work on.


Good comment. You should always be grateful but for me that is an 'internal' emotion rather than an outward displayed behavior.

And you are correct- people can spot a fake a mile away so you have to really believe in these things for them to be effective. At least you can experiment and try and see what works for you.


Thanks for the post, Mike!

6 is one of my favourites. I do everything possible to stimulate people's personal initiative taking (this includes making them stop seeing you as their boss). It's a motivator second to none, and it results in a kick-ass team (which is also good for you as the boss).

This experience comes from a leisure activity (I don't have any subordinates at work - I am the subordinate!), but I'm convinced it works there too (to see this at work check out Ricardo Semler's 7 Day Weekend). One issue I see is that you can only give as much autonomy/power as you have yourself. So it helps if you're the CEO or founder (as was the case for Semler, and for me). The potential is less if you have a whole hierarchy above you that doesn't get it, but it's still worth it if only because they'll love the measurable business results that come out of it.

As for what I'm taking away: I bookmarked this on Delicious with the following comment:

Understand the way your boss is measured and make sure your work gets results for him, or help him in areas where you see an opportunity for him to deliver more, or just make his life easier so that he can focus on delivering.


You got it. Sounds like you are well on your way to developing your career effectively.

I try to give people as much autonomy as they can handle and even then a bit more to stretch them. But you have to periodically follow up to make sure they are not drowning and doing the right thing. Most people are up to the challenge.


My God!! This could be the business manual on how to win the "Brown Noser of the Year Award". Tell the thousands of people layed-off or downsized that they didn't do a good job. If you work for someone else you are just a number, disposable when necessary. We pimp out our life an hour at a time for a pay cheque. Remember it is the position that rates that pay level not the person. If you are smarter, more energetic and better liked then you are seen as a threat to your boss, he/she will remove you. I have worked 30 years at one company, believed what they said about pensions, merit raises and benifits, worked the long unpaid hours, put my family second because I believed I was doing it for them to have a better standard of living. It was all a lie. I sit here everyday as a senior manager, yes I clawed my way up the ladder, waiting for another phone call from HR telling me who to fire next. I fear after I fire my quota of good hard working, dedicated employees my boss will get a call to fire me, excuse me, downsize. To get to my positon I constantly did these 9 tips, look at where it got me today. I have one tip, be you own boss and fire yourself when you have obtained your financial freedom.

When I started my career I made a big mistake. I tried to convince everyone in the company. I call this as a mistake because while doing that i missed my prime goal of learning. So its better not to show that you know everything. If you take a responsibility and do not complete on time its negative for you. So please try to learn first.

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