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June 04, 2009


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In regards to checking your credit score... I put it as a repeating task on Outlook. Every 4 months, I check my score for free at You can get a free report once a year. If you choose just 1 provider each time, you can rotate through one of the 3 providers, Equifax, TransUnion and Experian. It's pretty quick and painless!

Checking your score is necessary. When I got my first job out of school I probably checked after 6 months after I had already bought a car. I got 8% financing which at the time I thought was okay. Turns out one of my student loans (ironically the one from the school itself) didn't know I had gone to graduate school for a year. So it was showing up as >180 days deliquent on my report! Even though I had called previously to change my address they had never once sent me a statement or called me to ask about the "late payments". Meanwhile I could have gotten a much lower rate on my car loan.

I agree with you Elizabeth. I did the same thing in Google Calendar. Works like a charm because I can never remember when I'm due to get the annual credit report and by spacing them out every 4 months you can maintain a solid checking system. Great advice!

What is going to happen if the "free" credit cards become $100 annual fee cards and then you drop all but the one that you use the most?? How badly will that effect your credit score??

I do the same with checking credit reports; I have it scheduled in my calendar every four months.

A caveat in checking your credit: some of the agencies will immediately sign you up for some services when you request your credit report. It's free for a few weeks, but then they hit your credit card for the fee. If the agency asks for a credit card number during the process, then you should stop and read the fine print so you know if they're going to charge you in a couple weeks. Call them up and cancel the service before the free time period elapses.

I don't think "free" credit cards will ever come with annual fees that high. They still have to remain competitive with each together. I was thinking about it recently, about what will happen when the new credit card laws go into effect and there may be no more free rides. If I still have a rewards card giving me a lousy 1% that would still be enough to cover a standard $39 annual fee and still make a little money.

If you use there is no sign up for credit monitoring from them, unlike such scammy sites like the (BOGUS)
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I like this post. Thanks. It helps to make clear something that I've thought for a long time.

MSN and the other "news channels" are advertising for consumerism. It is completely unnecessary to live your life in debt, or to have a negative cash balance - however, it's what pays for MSN (commercials) to exist. If you don't buy beyond your means, the economy can never improve.

It's this type of thinking that has led to the crisis we're in now. We really need to re-think the economy, and stop blindly following fear-based advice posted on television about a vacuous idea such as a "credit score."

Update: I just checked mine for the first time in around a year. Still lists my auto loan as in repayment with a balance. I paid that in full in January this year.

I've read in at least two sources, that closing credit cards does not negatively impact your credit rating. That in mind, seems like there are two stories being told about the value in holding onto an unused card (ie collecting dust) or outright closing the account.. sounds like MSN would infer that once a CC account is opened you must consistently use the card for the rest of your life.. this doesn't sound very capitalist, given that better CC offers should weed out the 'got ya cards' with phantom fees, dynamic terms and conditions, etc.

On your number 3 in "Here's what I've done", you mention having a main card and a backup. My wife and I experienced (a long time ago) having our credit cards stolen (we thought we were being smart leaving her purse in the motor home in the parking lot while we went to Six Flags over Texas). From that experience, we learned that it's a good idea for each of us to carry a credit card that the other does not carry. That way if one of us loses or has credit cards stolen, the other still has a credit card that can be used while the lost or stolen cards are reissued.

This is a good Artical. What I do it I keep one card for monthly recurring charges like my phone and internet etc. And the other one is for pleasure as long as expenditure control is utilized. On My blog I talk about finance related issues like this that could benefit people.

Thanks for the good post.

While I agree that you need to check your credit report, I don't agree that you NEED a FICO score. We are on our way to be completely debt free, and have a goal of getting a FICO score of 0. You DON'T need a credit score to get a loan, mortgage, insurance, etc. We do not have a credit card, and have closed 4 accounts. If this is affecting us in a negative way, why do we still get things in the mail asking us to borrow money?

There must be 50 ways to wreck your credit...

File a BK, Jay
Default on your loan, Joan
Do a short sale, Dale
Drop off the key, Lee

Hmmm, the article says I shouldn't close a card account. I'm thinking about getting the Schwab card but I already have 5 cards, 4 of which I use on a regular basis. Should I close an account or two? Or should I wait until I apply for the Schwab card and then close one or two? I'm not too concerned about my credit score going down a little...

Also, the article also says late payments hurt your credit. It's that only true if you're delinquent (30+ days late)?

Separate but related. Does anyone have any experience with to build your credit using rent and utlities bills? Will it affect your score that much? I already have several credit cards and loans (~10 total) with spotless payment records for ~2-3 years. I'm wondering if signing up for this would make a difference at all.

I would definitely recommend checking your credit rating. myFICO is a decent service among others. If you keep track of your finances through Quicken and download your transactions you should also see any fraud before it is too late to fix.

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