For weekday updates of what I find to be some of the most interesting personal finance articles on the web, follow me on Twitter. For now, here are some pieces I found especially worthwhile and some of the carnivals Free Money Finance was in this week and my posts that were included:
Winner of this week's Best of Money Carnival as the best money post of the week was 55 Best Ways To Save Money: Frugal Ideas From Our Readers!
EDITOR'S CHOICE! Carnival of Debt Reduction - Seven Ways to Wreck Your Credit
MainStreet tells how to save money on funerals.
Smart Spending tells of an airline charging for the bathroom.
Bargain Babe asks if you would work for Wal-mart.
Money Smart Life likes good customer service.
The Digerati Life covers stock trading software.
The Sun’s Financial Diary discusses rate changes at Ally Bank.
Lazy Man and Money tells which loan to re-pay first.
BripBlap had an unexpected change.
My Dollar Plan lists 10 tips for grads.
No Credit Needed discusses dealing with trial periods.
Carnival of Personal Finance - Why Even the Best Investors Can't Pick Winning Actively Managed Funds Consistently
Money Hacks Carnival - How to Make Money by Becoming a Referee
Carnival of Pecuniary Delights - What are Your Three Money Do-Overs?
P.S. Carnival Hosts -- If my post is in your carnival in a given week, please send me the URL to the carnival and I will include it in my weekly roundup.
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