I'm on my last vacation of the summer over the next few days and FMF will be taking a break with me. However, I thought I would highlight my most-often-referred-to posts, "classic Free Money Finance" if you prefer, once each day while I'm gone as a refresher before we get back to our regular programming next week. Here is today's group:
Why I Use a CPA to Do My Taxes - I'm an advocate of DIY personal finances, but even I call in the "experts" when I'm over my head financially. Case in point: I use a CPA to do my taxes. The reasons why are detailed in this post.
Experience versus Education: Which Counts More in Career Success? - A key question in managing your greatest asset (your career) that a lot of people get wrong (IMO.) Check it out and see if you agree.
The 10 Most-Hated Money Saving Tips - Two things are sure with this post: 1. You'll probably hate many, if not all, of the tips and 2. if you apply them, they'll save you a boatload of money.
That's it for today. Hope you enjoyed looking back at some FMF classics.
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