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August 12, 2009


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It amazes me that people don't do this very simple thing to better themselves. I have a ton of junk rolling around in my head and often find people come to me for answers because I'm the type of person that "might have read something about that."

Sometimes I am, sometimes I'm not.

I agree with what you're saying here. In fact, the book "The Difference" by Jean Chatzky noted that people she defined as "rich" and "financially comfortable" (the category just below rich) tend to read books and magazines a lot more than people defined as "living paycheck to paycheck" and people "going further in debt".

It's a great book. Even better than "Millionaire Next Door".

I read non-stop. I buy some books but use the library almost every other day. If I like a book enough, I'll begin to scour ebay for it and buy it for a good deal with one arises.

Lately, I have read Ramit's book, all of Gladwell's books, and some education books for some Grad. classes. On the bookshelf behind me are hundreds of books... The only fiction on the shelf (unless you could Feynman as fiction - his stuff is MUST READ) is every Grisham book. I can't get enough of him.

I also enjoy pretty much anything from Covey or Maxwell on leadership.

1. I love a good blog article, because it's short yet packed with ideas. The thing with many books is that the few gems are burried in tons of ... text. My latest frustration was Thomas Friedman's bestseller "The World Is Flat" (600 pages). Even skimming the book couldn't keep me interested, so I looked up a summary online to help me select the parts that seemed worth a quick glance. Of course there are also awesome books packed with gems.

4. In the case of a book packed with ideas, I'll have a lot of notes, a summary you could say. After a day or two I'll "summarize the summary" into something I can quickly revisit, and I get a new flash of relevation in the process that makes it completely worth it. The initial notes (unavoidably) follow the order of ideas presented by the author. What I do is completely disassemble/overhaul those, to get to the bare essentials.

mysticaltyger --

I asked the publisher for a review copy of that book but have received no response from them. :-(

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