For weekday updates of what I find to be some of the most interesting personal finance articles on the web, follow me on Twitter. For now, here are some pieces I found especially worthwhile and some of the carnivals Free Money Finance was in this week and my posts that were included:
My Dollar Plan tells how to convert from Money to Quicken.
Money Smart Life covers converting to a Roth IRA.
The Digerati Life discusses allowances.
The Sun’s Financial Diary thinks Mint is scary.
Lazy Man tells how to save money on perfume.
FrugalDad tells how to destroy an investment portfolio.
BripBlap reads the writing on the wall.
Bargain Babe gives a sneak peek at Halloween deals.
Smart Spending says a food dehydrator can save you money.
Festival of Frugality -- Save Almost $1,200 a Year Using Store Brands
Carnival of Money Hackers -- How to Respond to Every Job Offer You Receive
P.S. Carnival Hosts -- If my post is in your carnival in a given week, please send me the URL to the carnival and I will include it in my weekly roundup.
thanks for mentioning the Roth IRA conversion post!
Posted by: Ben | September 28, 2009 at 09:50 PM