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This article from US News says to take control of your career. The piece is actually coming at "taking control" from a different angle, but it is something I agree with 100% and wanted to say so here. Here's why:
1. Your career is your most valuable financial asset. Regular readers are probably tired of me saying this but 1. I have new readers for every post so I need to repeat some things and 2. even the most basic tips are worth repeating so the rest of us don't forget them or forget to take action on them.
2. In order to maximize your pay from and enjoyment of your career, you need take action. In other words, you need to take control of your career.
3. What does this mean? It means you need to work to deliver solid results for your employer. It means you need to have a pleasant attitude while doing so. You need to show that you deserve a raise/promotion/etc. and you need to ask for a raise once you demonstrate this.
4. If you don't manage your career, your career will be on auto-pilot. You'll get auto-pilot raises, auto-pilot promotions, and be considered an auto-pilot employee (not a good thing.) The difference between getting paid as an auto-pilot employee and an accomplishment-oriented employee can be millions of dollars throughout the course of a career. (And for those of you who think those upper end numbers can't be reached, yes they can.)
By taking control of your career and managing it actively you'll be both financially rewarded as well as find that you'll enjoy your job much more. Or you can go the auto-pilot route and let life deliver to you what it may. But my experience shows that life often isn't a friend to those who simply take what it offers, and that's why I recommend you take control.
I don't this to be true but I have the feeling that the best way to advance in your career is to act as if you own the business.
I own a small business and when I see someone acting like that, I look for ways to encourage her/him. I look for ways they can advance.
I think that by simply asking yourself the question, "What would I do differently if I owned this company", you can really propel your career.
Posted by: Welath Pilgrim | September 21, 2009 at 10:47 AM
Some people work in dead-end jobs where raises and promotions simply don't exist. In that case, I guess you gotta bail quickly and if you don't you could be trapped.
Posted by: Terry | September 21, 2009 at 01:34 PM