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January 11, 2010


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count me in!

Thanks for the chance, maybe this time will be my lucky time.

this would be great! thanks!

INAB! Thanks : )

Looks good. I would like to try it out.


I want to try this out, thanks!

Thanks for a chance to win!

Would love to win it!

Oh, I definitely need a budget. Thanks for the opportunity. (confused about #3 above where you say you will email the winner in relation to the link of the "standard rules" in which you indicate that you won't track down the winner but that those submitting a chance to win should check back.)

Thank you for the opportunity and the great information you provide.

Thanks for the chance to get a copy of YNAB.

I hope I win

I would like it.

I'm in!

A chance to move away from Microsoft Money! Here goes nothing!! Thanks for the opportunity!


Thank you for the opportunity

Sunshine,Lollipops, Rainbows and everything that's wonderful ..........

Thanks! I'm in!

Count me in also!

I could really use this!


Great giveaway...thanks!

I'll try again.

Great way to start the New Year. Thanks!



third time's the charm? thanks!

Let's do it

I would like to try this software and see how good it is.

i totally need a budget, i've never had one.

Here's another entry; thanks FMF & YNAB!!

Better to be a nobody and yet have a servant than pretend to be somebody and have no food. (Proverbs 12:9)

I'd like a copy

Who doesn't love winning something?

I would love a copy!!!

Thanks for running the contest - sounds like a good read, its always interesting hearing another take on budgeting even if some information is the same.

Cound me in.

Pick me! Pick me!!

Thanks for the contest! I'm in!

I would enjoy having a copy to start my decade out.


I hope I win this. This would be beneficial for paying off debt!

I hope to win it this time around!

Thanks again!

I really need this!!!

This would be great!

We all need a budget!

I'd love to try this - thanks!

I never give up!

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