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January 18, 2010


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That is my favorite tax software. Thanks for the opportunity to win. Love your blog.


We've used this software for years.

I have been using TaxCut for a few years. I have also read your blog for years, very imformative.

I'm in it to win it!

This would be great. Thanks!


Thanks for being so generous and thanks for all the tips!

H&R Block at Home, Sounds good to me.

I've used Tax Cut for a few years. Your tips have helped me out several times!

This is my first time doing taxes, wish me luck!

Been using TurboTax online for a couple years, but would love to give this a shot.

I have a surprisingly complicated tax filing this year. Any tips for filing regarding converting a previous residence with mortgage to a contract for deed property?

We're deciding whether to do our own taxes or hire someone this year, and having software would help us lean towards figuring out our own! thanks

Yay, more giveaways!

Thanks for the chance ! Always like a giveaway.

Yeah as I don't qualify for free file!

Thanks for the opportunity!

Have always used Turbo Tax, would love the chance to try something different, thanks for the offer.

Woo hoo. Pick me, pick me!

Hooray for free tax prep software. Thanks!

Pick me please.

Also hoping to see how this compares to TT.

Thanks for the opportunity. I've been using HR Block online for several years now. Keep up the great information!

Count me in


Thanks for the opportunity

Taxes, blah. Thanks for the offer to make them less painful!

I've always used TurboTax.

Sign me up!

i want hnrb.

This is a great piece of software!

I've used H&R Block online for a few years and love it.

OK, I have a question. Is this a Federal tax only version, or does it include both Federal and State returns?

Count me in.

Me too!

Pick me please!

I have a disorder, it's called I love doing my taxes. So naturally I would be a kid in a candy store if I could get a copy of H&R Block at Home...

I would love this!

I don't twitter or tweet, I'm not sure I want to be on Facebook.....but I certainly WOULD like a copy of H & R Block at Home.

I could really use this- we had a crazy year!

This is awesome giveaway!!!!

I'm in. I'd love to win.

Ooh, ooh. Pick me, pick me!

I would like to win, as well, of course!

I'd love to win the tax prep software.


I'd love to win!

Crossing my fingers.

I've used Taxcut the last couple of years, so I'd love to win a copy for this year's taxes!

I'm in, thanks.

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