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March 23, 2010


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Re your comments on housing size:

I was surprised to find out (when my ex and I got divorced) that in my County social workers now consider it "necessary" for all children to have their own bedrooms. As in, if the children had to share a room at one parent's home, this would adversely affect their chance at being awarded custody. Although this didn't affect us, I think this is a ridiculous idea and it must create a hardship for many parents not as well-off as we are.

I also second what you say about really limiting eating out---it is enormously costly, even if you only every go to "cheap" places like chain restaurants in the mall. I also encourage my kids to "wait until we get home" if they want ice cream cones or snacks when we are out running errands--the treats really add up.

I live in a 1400 square foot three bedroom townhome with 1 and 2 half baths. I want to have two children, and honestly, looking at what our grandparents had to work with, I honestly feel that I could raise my children in my current home (up until they are teenagers probably). I like the idea of modest living. I just don't buy into the idea of bigger is better and give me more more more! I like the idea of making due with what you have, using out things before you replace them, and not having a lot of "stuff". If my grandparents could live in a 1000 square foot home, than my kids can make due with sharing a bedroom in a 1400 square foot townhome :-)

This was a great budgeting article!

Restaurants and fast food were in the one big expense category that my husband and I decided to cut back on this year. We've successully lowered our food budget from about $600 a month to less than $400 a month consistently.

We also have learned to enjoy new recipes and are mixing it up quite a bit. It's yummy and I feel like I've lost a little weight in the last 3 months too (I don't know for sure since I don't own a scale, but my pants are looser).

We are trying to think long-term on the house we choose. While we know that with 4 kids, as teenagers, things may feel tight, that is only for a short time. Then they'll leave and we don't want an enormous house to pay utilities for and clean. There are many advantages both to us and our children if we choose to live in tighter quarters.

Having just finished looking at houses - I was surprised at the number of 2 bedroom houses out there. Are these just "starter homes" or do people expect if they have both a son and a daughter for them to share a room? We bought more house than we need right now with the knowledge that we may end up having a daughter next (we only have a son right now) - and in the mean time it is nice to have a guest bedroom since we live far away from both of our families.

How much does the average house size have to do with an aging boomer population that is now in larger houses than they were when they were starting off? The area we were renting in had on average 100-year old houses, and those were huge compared to the mid 1950s houses. Did housing size dip in the 50s and recover, or is it really growing?

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