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May 10, 2010


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Ohh! I want to win! =)

Mmmm. A gift certificate would taste mighty nice... a little salt & pepper, grill it up... Delish!

Thanks for the opportunity.

THanks for the offer!

I'm a fan of

free money finance is the best!


I'm in!

Count me in.

Thanks for the chance!

Please choose me! Thanks is a great site...even better when used with Upromise. You can amplify savings this way.

I would love some gift certificates!

Thanks for the opportunity.

This is great!

Thanks for the opportunity! Count me in please!

Pick Me!

and the winner is.... me I hope.

Hoping I win this one., sounds good. I like food, so free food is even better

Cash back shopping is fun!

Can I win? Please?!

I would love to win.

Here goes nothing

Count me in please!

This would be a great prize to win.

Count me in

That's a lot of eating out!

I could use this as all my other funds are going to get rid of debt!

I will have to check out It sounds like another great referral from FMF.



I'm in...I love to eat out. pieces of paper that I can trade for food.

Good Luck!

Free money....

I would love to win this! Thanks!

Thanks for the Chance!


Thanks for doing this - I'd love to win. :)

"...even better when used with Upromise."

I find that I get a better return with IDine (5%) than UPromise (2%) - the restaurants seem to be the same in my area.

Thanks for another chance to win stuff...very cool!

Count me in!

Sweet, thanks!

Send it my way!!! ;-)

Count me in!

Me too!

I looked at the BigCrumbs site and, after a look around, it's not clear how these guys make money. But I'd still take a nice dinner with my wife from them.

Count me in!

Awesome! Thanks FMF!

Thanks FMF for a chance!

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