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September 16, 2010


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Great article. I enjoyed reading these comments the first time around. It's always nice to brightens someone's day. You never know what they've been through lately.

Great examples. For those who criticize, keep in mind that those who have received are often taught to give by the example. Buying someone's meal (or otherwise helping) may encourage someone who had never thought of it. I'm stunned that anyone would criticize giving of any type.

We've been able at times to give anonymously (through our church financial office) to people who might not otherwise afford a conference, mission trip, or other event (marriage retreat, for example). We may not know who is receiving that type of gift, but it does help people participate who might not otherwise be able.

We've also secretly bought dinner for others while out, but typically we've done so for people we know.

We've also given coupons to other families. For example, when we have a block of coupons from a mailer, we tear off the one we use but also give a '10% of your total ticket' to the biggest group in the waiting area.

Not to sound completely ungracious, but really why would you buy anything for a cop? I am a completely law abiding citizen, but living in California, I understand that most beat cops make six figure salaries and will get egregious pensions of 90% of their high 3 after 30 years or less. As a taxpayer, I am already paying a bundle for their services (as is the case with firefighters). Of course, some believe that compensation for these professions should be limitless, but salaries/pensions of these professions is liberal states are already way beyond reasonable.

I don't give money to people panhandling on street corners, but I do stock up on vitamins and will give them a new container of vitamins. I've also bought $5 McDonalds gift cards to pass out the same way.

Although my life has totally changes for the better, I was once a very poor single mom escaping a very bad relationship. There were a few times that people gave creatively to me. I can't tell you how wonderful it was. It lifted it me up and helped me to view the world as a better place and see people as good in general. Not only did it life my spirits but it gave me strength to keep on going. The best was when an anonymous person left a "Christmas box" on my doorstep. In it were a few small presents for my daughter and the makings of a nice Christmas dinner for the two of us, better than I could afford at the time.

So no matter how small, you never know how your kindness will impact other. The world is such a negative place sometimes I feel these small acts kind of balance that out. Oh and know that I totally play forward as many acts of kindness that I can.

Mark, as a fellow Californian I agree that this should be something that we need to address with our politicians as well as a few other items. However, I like to personally say thank you to people who might have to put their life on the line for mine.

Mark, you beat me to it about buying meals for cops. I couldn't have said it better. I would love to retire at 50 with 90% of my salary plus health benefits too. And that's if their honest and don't claim disability. Have you seen this interesting story of a cop who competes in iron man competitions but is out on disability:

Great stories of giving though! I remember when I worked in food service. Tips really meant a lot to me since most people didn't do it.

I loved that last post and the little review. I started a Kindness Challenge at my new blog at - the challenge is to commit one random act of kindness a week. That's it. I'm posting updates every Friday. I think that people in general would be better off if they knew how good it felt to be selfless regularly.

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