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January 31, 2011


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As always, good stuff, marred by Marotta's political agenda.

I agree, StLpastor.

Marotta's articles generally contain good information, but they also often descend into blatant political partisanship.

The shot at the ACA as the sole cause of industry decline is uncalled for. Also, few large corporations pay the 35% rate because of the immense number of deductions and loopholes available. Instead, smaller businesses are penalized because they don't qualify for some of the more esoteric deductions that have been weaseled in to the tax code to benefit larger companies (those with lobbying power).

I believe that the energy, financial, and health care sectors should be well-regulated as a matter of public good. We've seen the disaster of an unregulated financial sector, and it's easy to extrapolate what would occur in the energy sector if the rules were similarly relaxed. The assumption that profit must trump basic public good is definitely a non-Christian viewpoint, so I am amused that this post follows the regular Sunday one.

He says bonds are more complex then stocks and says:
"Every share of Apple stock is exactly the same, but every bond's unique characteristics must be evaluated."

That doesn't make much sense at all. Comparing Apple stock to Apple stock is not a measure of how stocks are simple. A single issue of a bond is remarkably similar to itself too but that certainly doesn't mean bonds are simple. Was it too hard to make up sensical filler before he got to his political commentary?

"Risk is usually rewarded"

No! Risk is risk and reward is reward. If you are going to take increased risk, you should require increase potential return to compensate you for your additional risk. This is totally different from "risk=reward" when investing. Furthermore, dividing equities and bonds into risk and less risk might be a very dangerous distinction/ absolute rule.

"it's easy to extrapolate what would occur in the energy sector if the rules were similarly relaxed"

I guess we could expect to have ALL of our nations coastlines coated with oil instead of just the Gulf of Mexico?

1.1% inflation in 2010? That's ridiculous even just for food and shelter.
Add in health care and health insurance, and you have more like double
digit inflation where REAL living costs are concerned.

Any thoughts on how to look at the UK market? It is largely similar albeit our government cannot print money as freely.

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