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January 10, 2011


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As we often say in the South, you get far more flies with honey than with vinegar - nice post!

This is a great list. I think the thing that works the best for me is the first tip- smile. People are so much more willing to work with you if you approach them in a positive way. I talk to everyone, be it the person at the drive thru or the salesman at the dealership. If you treat people like they are actually human beings, it is amazing how you can work things out. Plus, it is just the right thing to do.

Sandi- Thanks! I'm glad you enjoyed it.

Everyday Tips - Thank You. "If you treat people like they are actually human beings, it is amazing how you can work things out." I couldn't agree more.

Negotiating is mostly a psychological skill like selling and buying. I'm fond of doing item #3. Asking for alternative options always pays off.

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