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February 03, 2011


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Another great sign that the economy is rocking! Congrats!

I'm curious as to why you keep your home in the Net Worth calculation. I realize it's technically an asset, but if you're not planning to sell and take profit from it then perhaps it's not a true asset.

Since you do use this set of assets did you factor the decline in value here, especially for your home. As many of us have seen our home value has declined at least some % over the last 2 years. I run my net worth both ways, but by default have removed the personal home from my assets. It's not that I don't want to know how much has changed (-18%), it's that it doesn't matter as I do not plan to downsize (by value) my home when I retire. And the next home will also have changed in similar value.

Regardless, it's interesting to see the change and proves out the theory of staying put in the market when lots of people were bailing. We never sold a stock other than minor adjustments to portfolio classes. We actually saw our biggest % gain from 2008-2009, and ~18% gain 2009-2010.

BTW, this site has been a primary motivator for me and has helped us stay course, since many of us silently compete with you :>).

Keep up the good work !

Congrats on the great work. We had a pretty good year as well, I think we finished up around 15% if memory serves.

@beachin - there is always a reverse mortgage. Also, for giving inheritance to children, a house is most definitely an asset.

I have 2 different net worth values, one that includes house and one that doesn't. I do know that once the kids are gone, I will be selling this one and moving into something smaller and less costly. In that sense, I could count some of the equity of the house as 'investment money'.

Anyway, that is great! I loved getting my investment statements at the end of 2010. It was just a flurry of good news. That would be great if you could be all set in 5 years!

beachin' --

A few reasons:

1. Net worth = Assets - liabilities. My house is an asset.

2. I've included it from the start -- way back when I had both a house (asset) and mortgage (liability.) So I've always included it and want my comparisons to be apples-to-apples.

3. I have it in Quicken at the true value (yes, decreased dramatically versus a few years ago) less cots it would take to sell the place. THis is my true value if I liquidated it.

4. The house isn't that large of a percentage of the total net worth -- 10% or so.

2010 was a record year for investments and income for my household. My family is truly grateful for it.

@FMF - Regarding your crossover calculation, do you account for inflation? A lot of the indicators (record food prices and commodities for example) are showing we should be bracing for an inflation run.

texashaze --

Yes, for basic inflation. But I have no way of predicting a larger r8un, so the way I plan for it is to save much more than I think I'll actually need.

@FMF, you should try Yodlee. You can view your net worth daily.


1. In regards to your house you said "THis is my true value if I liquidated it". I believe the true value of a house can only be achieved once it has been sold and the money is in your bank account. Anything else before that is just an estimate.

2. Your net worth increased 20.9% with respect to the previous year. The only way to know if this represents a meaninful increase is if you provide actual figures. My point is: if your net worth went from $100 to $120.90 is not a big deal, if it went from $1.000M tp $1.209M it is a big deal.

Tony --

1. I have a pretty good feel for prices in our area since I looked for a new place for several years (don't know if you were reading FMF in those days) and even had our place on the market a bit.

2. First of all, my net worth is closer to the second number than the first. Second, read between the lines: "This year's performance brings the compound annual growth rate of my net worth to 14.94% over the past 14 years when I started tracking it in 1996." Pick a reasonable starting net worth for 1996 and then compound it for 15 years. You'll see that it's meaningful.

So if at ~15% per year you'd reach your "Number" (which is $3M stated in an earlier post) in 5 years, your net worth must be ~$1.5M today? Congrats! Penta

($1.5M * 1.15^5 = $3M)

I like everything you're doing, FMF, except I would suggest that investing in only index funds is sort of like having a diet that consists of nothing but green vegetables. Yes, index funds are good, but they are only part of a complete, diversified portfolio. I don't know what index funds you are in, but I have friends who swear by index funds who are only invested in an S&P 500 index fund. To start with, that strategy has very little exposure to mid-caps and no exposure to small caps and limited international exposure (although to be sure, virtually all of the companies that make up the S&P 500 have big international operations and sales), esepecially limited in emerging markets.

I love index funds, too, but I love them in concert with a bunch of other things that round out a sound, diversified portfolio (small cap and mid cap funds, emerging market funds, bond funds, etc).

Otherwise, I'm with you. John Wesley said it best, "Earn all you can, save all you can, give all you can." I grew my net worth by a similar % this year and hope to continue that growth.

Bad_Brad --

I have three main index funds:

1. Total US market index
2. Bond Index
3. International stock index

FMF - While conventional wisdom is to keep 40% or so allocated in bonds "at all times", you need to ask yourself how bonds can mathmatically go up in value when interest rates are at all-time lows....Sometimes you need to buck the rules-of-thumb when they just don't apply....Recommend you temporarily replace your bond position with cash til rates rise....Now, you won't "make" anything in your cash while you wait, but at least you'll avoid losing principle in your bonds as rates rise....Then, once you see the "all-clear signal" of 5 year CD's paying 5% again at your local bank, you'll have lots of dry powder to go shopping for bonds....Good luck, Penta

FMF must be a boglehead, he's mainly invested in index fund and is not a RE investor (beside his home).
I suspect that he tracks his NW on NETWORTHIQ.
@ Penta, I think you are right about FMF's NW.
FMF is a perfect example that one can become a multimillionaire on an above than average salary by living below one's mean.
There is no secret!
Keep up the good work, I read the blog daily!

Penta --

Don't worry. My asset allocation has way below 40% allocated to bonds.

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