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February 14, 2011


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This has never been a problem for me. I do my own taxes and the 1040 Instructions have a worksheet that you just plug some of the numbers you have already entered into and it computes how much of your SS benefits are taxable income.
Don't worry about it - it's not a big deal if like most married retired couples you file a joint return.
If you get it wrong they will just send you a letter that either says that you owe them some money or you will get a refund.

Eventually 100% of your social security benefits will be taxable as their way of simplifying taxes!

And this, my friends, is one of the many reasons why the tax code should be completely overhauled and simplified.

Why was it not mentioned that there are states that do not tax your SS benefits? DH gets a pension, no SS, but I believe that some states do not tax pension benefits...and that state is one state over from us, so when the time comes...

Oh, sorry, DUH! I forgot we were talking about Federal tax, not state. Whoops.

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