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February 14, 2011


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Interesting article, looking forward to reading more. It kind of amuses me that he is in to commercial lending when my father works for a bank with the commercial loans that go bad. So basically, when the author of the article messes up. ;) Kidding.

The first criteria is you need to know what you want to be in the future before you can do anything. The problem is many students even after graduated didn't know what they wanted to do. Happy for the author that he can realize his dream because not many people can do it. Good luck!

@ JM

That is certainly a part of lending, there will occasionally be money lost. I'd say there are 4 reasons commercial loans go bad (off subject, but just FYI):
1. Lender error in judgement (usually lending team error in judgement, as several people must approve the loan).
2. Mistake by the loan documentation department.
3. Fraud by Borrower
4. Extremely bad economy hurts the business to the point where the loan cannot be repaid (this has happened a lot in the past few years).

@ jbhk
Your comment is spot on. I think young people should try harder to figure out what they want to do. Too many people just keep going to school forever because they cannot figure it out. But I'm not convinced that a lot of poeople truly want to face reality and work in earnest on finding a career that will suit them. Many people just delay entering the real world as long as possible.

Awesome article, extremely informative. Thank you so much for sharing your experience - it's extremely helpful.

@ BD

I apprciate the kind comment. By the way - if you click through the link to my website, I have a contact me form there. I am more than happy to answer any questions you might have. Alternatively, you can ask questions in this coment thread, and I will repsond for all to see.

@Bogey - My comment was based on what I saw from my husband's family. You are also right that people try to delay entering the reality if they can. My husband's nephew spent 6 years in the college to get one degree. He spent two semesters to finish his last two English classes. My husband's niece didn't feel degree was important, so she spent three years after high school in many different things. Now, she is trying to get a degree in nursing. But what made them to behave like this was mainly because they had a very financially-supportive mother and their mom really liked to keep her kids staying with her.

This is an extremely informative article and outlines a supurb plan which could work across multiple fields and industries. Best regards, Barb Friedberg (former career counselor at major CA university :)

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