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April 28, 2011


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I've always worked for myself. The only person I ask about a raise is my accountant who always says no... He is usually right but I don't like it!

You haven't had the urge to get out on your own?

You are so right about negotiating a good salary up front. Although in my husband's case, he hasn't had a raise in 3 years because he is overpaid compared to other people in his position who have been in that job for a long time, which is a bummer.

I used to have compensation discussions when I had my performance review. Then, the boss is discussing all your accomplishments, so it is a good time to mention a raise!

Pretty much every job I've ever worked, the company always sings the "we're so poor, we can't give anyone a raise" song and dance when I've asked. I'm always told I'm a stellar employee, and I'm always praised at any job I've worked at, but the company always seems to be poor. :/

BD --

Sounds like time to leave/upgrade to a new job/company. Great performers always have the option of taking their skills elsewhere to earn more money.

FMF: That's exactly what I've done, every single time. I worked my way up from making $7.50 an hour up to a little under $20 an hour only through switching jobs over and over, and rarely through any pay raises. It was always a bit frustrating though...I went through 6 or 7 companies in about 10 years doing it.
Then, the bottom dropped out of the graphic design industry, so to speak, and now, I can't find work, so I'm back in college to learn a new career. Hopefully this time around, everything will work out better.

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