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August 11, 2011


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Would love to win!

They look interesting.

I'd like to win!

Picme! Picme! Picme!

For those of you leaving comments here, this is NOT where you sign up for a chance to win. You need to sign up for the giveaway e-newsletter (linked in the post above.) Then when I send it out, you will be able to sign up on another post for a chance to win.

Thanks for this giveaway, excellent!

Love it. :)

Thanks FMF - hope I win!

MORE BOOKS -- with ones I actually want to read!!

All --

FYI, this is NOT where you register to win the books. Follow the instructions on the giveaway email...

Me! Me! Me!

would love to read them

I love reading

Thanks for this chance

Thank you,

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