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November 08, 2011


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Thats a nice way for a sports fan to make a side income.

I looked into refereeing about a year ago when I was in tight financially and was basically unemployed. I never went through with it becaue I realized I would have to go through with all the tests and equipment purchases. I also didn't go through with it because I was in search of a way to make some real income, rather than something on the side.

Now, that I have found stable work (actually almost TOO much work, thank goodness!) and have a yearning to stay in shape, I think reffing might be a viable option for a little padding on the bank account. Thank you for your article and sharing your experience; it has rekindled my interest in being on the soccer field once again, not as a player, but as an official.

I was a soccer referee for 5 years mainly because my kids wanted to do it to earn some extra money and since I was driving them around, I took the course and did it also. Three of them played soccer for several years as well also and one still plays. Once they got too busy to do it, I let my license lapse.

Anyway, I know what you are saying when it comes to soccer.

Do you and or your son file a Schedule C for your soccer earnings?

Peg --

I do.

I'm an exercise science student and never really thought about refereeing. This is actually really cool and doesn't seem like a bad way to earn some extra cash. It's also nice because here in Florida everything goes year round. This would be a really quick, fun way to earn some extra college spending cash!

It's hard to believe there is a league that doesn't pay it's refs. I've been reffing now for 14 years and have been paid for every game I've reffed from the 4 year olds on up to men's D1.

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