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« The Poor, Part 3 | Main | 10 Workplace Myths »

December 11, 2011


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This is great article.

God is all powerful, all knowing, beyond moral infallibility, has infinite wisdom, and perfect judgment. The concept of God partially fulfills the human desire to be perfect. The faithful strive to follow the commandments of their perfect god and in so doing are being as perfect as their fallibilities allow.

“Our individual beliefs not only shape our lives, they form a culture that shapes the direction of an entire nation.” - This is a superb quote. I do agree that when you decide to make a stand for the beliefs and values you have then they can feed into generally society

I am curious as to how you advocate paying off debt vs. giving to charity, etc. I am in total agreement on putting one's beliefs into practice through actions like giving to charity or volunteering, but have a mountain of student loan debt. I struggle in coming to a conclusion as to whether I should pay more to charity or concentrate on paying off those student loans first.

Steve --

I think it's a balance. Personally, I'd work on both, allocating what you think is an appropriate amount to each.

That said, I would put a larger amount on the debts, then as they got paid off I'd add to the giving.

@ Steve You can give to charity through your work. The value of volunteering at a sleep shelter and/or a soup kitchen regularly is a good chunk of money and does not require you to withdraw funds from your "fixed" takehome pay. That way you are not stretching yourself thin on your other disbursements that require cash for payment.

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