I've had a category here at FMF called "More Important than Money" for quite some time (though I haven't posted to it for a while.) But when I was posting regularly on the subject one of the things I had listed as more important than money was time (in fact, I even started a "time" category).
The rest of the world has varying opinions on the value of time versus money, but it appears that more and more people are considering the two at least equals. This piece from US News basically is an article on how people are seeing that the rat race is for rats and that they are willing to trade some of the "things" in life for more time (and enjoyment.)
I think that the financial crisis has somehow disillusioned many people from the "make-more-money-to-buy-more-things" attitude that many Americans held just a few years ago. They are seeing that finances can be fleeting and are re-looking at their priorities. And they are finding that they actually would prefer to have a bit more free time than a few extra dollars.
If you're in the same boat, these posts may be helpful as you sort out what the time/money trade-off is in your own life:
Well said Free Money! I didn't realize how much time I was wasting using my old PC until I had to buy a new Mac-all those minutes add up big time
Posted by: Steve Mertz | December 29, 2011 at 10:42 AM
Time is definitely more important than money. I worked 80 hour work weeks at one point in my life, and I hated it! I'd much rather work 30 to 40 and have time with my family.
Posted by: Christa | December 29, 2011 at 02:34 PM