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February 02, 2012


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Thanks for organizing this fun annual event. Let the games begin!

Gret stuff FMF. Thanks for including my post!

Are we supposed to talk trash? :) Haha! j/k

I'm a Pats fan in NYC and the trash talking around the office is consuming my life this week!

Should be another fun March Money Madness, looking forward to it!

Will be exciting to see the competition. Thanks for including my post.

It will be a huge accomplishment to beat the opponents in fats few rounds. All good inclusions. All the best competitors!

Oops, I forgot to enter in time.. *sigh. Oh well, good luck to all who entered!

FMF, thanks for hosting this again.

Looking forward to it!

@Nick, I'll trash talk with you if you'd like. ;-)

Let's get ready to rummmmmmbbbble!

Great looking brackets; what a week for me to be occupied with school work, though... Ah, well, all the more reason to work harder to get in next year. (We'll have to do better at keeping track of this next year, Peter!)

Looks like a good mix of articles! Should be fun!

Yes...thanks Sir!

This should be a lot of fun

Nice! It's a plan Crystal, although I had to eat a few words this morning at work after that Patriots Super Bowl fail last night...

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