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April 19, 2012


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Good list of stuff to never pay full price on. For the condoms tip I think they were probably referring to how you can get them free at various clinics. I'm personally guilty of paying full price for a lot of these items. I do make a point of using my cash back credit card though. So I at least get the small discount there. Sometimes it's just not convenient to try to save money on some of these things and sometimes I just don't properly plan ahead.

The wisebread article says about flowers :
"If you have the means to grow flowers but you still buy them, there’s probably no hope for you."

I guess I'm doomed then. Oh well. The $4 bouquet at the grocery store will bankrupt me because I didn't spend my free time planting a garden...

Maybe they are talking full retail price listed by the manufacturer which rarely happens unless it is a special order.

#7. I'm pretty sure you don't want to go bargain brand on this one. Just sayin'.

@EM - Exactly. That's penny wise, pound foolish. So someone gets free condoms at an event somewhere, or some clinic....they're cheaply made, but free.
And then, they break (or don't work, cause there's a pinhole in them or whatever), and you have a very expensive problem on your hands.

I'd rather spend a couple extra dollars now, instead of having to pay thousands later.

Being a AAA member can get you discounts on SO many things, it really is one of the best cards to hold. What scares me with my financial-paranoia is that when I become a wife and mother, I will turn into one of those crazy coupon ladies who keeps a detailed book of hundreds of coupons and a fully stocked, industrial size home-grocery store in my basement. Oh well, at least I'll be prepared at any moment!

Tickets -- This is certainly true for airline tickets, and some performances (but not all) may offer discount tickets, but sometimes a performance/concert you want doesn't have discount tickets.

But one thing I want to warn about is never to trust "discount tickets" ads for shows, certainly not in NYC but check the real price first. Just by accident I got to one of those websites offering "discount tickets" and their prices were considerably higher than actual face value. This may have been understandable if a particular performance was sold out, but in the particular case a theater did have regular price tickets. In some cases the price offered by so called "discount ticket" place was several times higher than face value.

So yes, it's fine to go after discounts, but find out a) what face value is b) the discounts offered by the theater itself.

Now, I assume not many people here care about opera, but if you do and if you are in NYC, be aware that the Met has Varis Rush Ticket program where 200 orchestra seats (face value over $140) are sold for $20 at the box office for Monday-Thursday performances; also a right to buy weekend tickets for $25 are raffled via free internet raffle every week. (Assuming this program will continue given that Agnes Varis whose donation subsidizes these tickets passed away this year). Yet, these so-called "discount" websites would attempt to sell these same tickets to you for over $200.

I agree with this entire list. I personally feel you should never pay full price for anything. Anymore we live in a world where all prices can be negotiated. There is so much competition in each industry that stores have to fight for out besiness.

You can get name-brand birth control on Amazon for considerably less than retail.

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