Welcome to the Cavalcade of Risk, the blog carnival that covers insurance and risk management. Here are this week's submissions along with a brief summary:
- How Much Information Should You Share? - A discussion of how our culture has grown increasingly fond of sharing information, some of the risks that such sharing can have, and how to minimize your risks online and off.
- FDIC and NCUA Insurance: Which is Safer? - Insurance is important when it comes to the money in the bank. That’s why FDIC insurance was created. But what about credit unions, do they have the same protection as banks? It might surprise you, but credit unions don’t use FDIC...
- Safety Nets, Hard-Boiled Hard Hats & The Halfway to Hell Club: Safety Innovations in the Golden Gate Bridge Construction - We’ve come a long way in reducing worker risk of injury and death in the last century thanks to many pioneers and innovators. Here's a fascinating story of The Halfway to Hell Club and safety innovations during the Golden GateBridge construction.
- Money Power and... Health Care! - Draws some parallels between those infamous “collateralized debt obligations” (CDOs) that contributed to the ’08 global financial meltdown and “shared savings arrangements” that are the darling of the health care industry’s accountable care organizations. Both are very complex, riddled with assumptions and outside the understanding of most people. Could they lead to Lehman or Bear Sterns like events in the health care industry? Or is the post being paranoid? Read this post and decide for yourself.
- Contraceptive Coverage And The PPACA - In terms of cost, the general consensus among experts is that there will be no additional costs associated with providing contraceptive coverage, because the reduction in the number of pregnancies (and their associated costs) will cancel out the cost of the birth control. Roughly half of all pregnancies in the US are unplanned. And we know from lots of studies that even small amounts of cost-sharing end up reducing the number of people who utilize any particular healthcare service. So providing birth control with no cost sharing is likely to result in more women using birth control, which should in turn lead to fewer unplanned pregnancies.
- Auto-erotic Death Claim - High risk sexual practices can carry a higher price than you might think, especially when it comes to life insurance death claims.
The next carnival will be held at ABA Journal.
Back in 2000 I would invest money in GMAC Demand Notes which gave you around 2% better than just about anything. These were not FDIC insured. The thought was if GM was in trouble then the world was in trouble. Well the world was in trouble in 2006 and so was GMAC. That is when I pulled all assets out of GMAC. That is when I went back to FDIC or NCUA insured account. It is all a matter of your risk tolerance which is low in comparison to back then.
Posted by: Matt | May 02, 2012 at 07:21 AM
Insurance companies hedge risk when approving or denying new clients. Therefore should they not bear the risk/reward of paying claims to clients regardless of their activities, aside from those that break the law or break the answer one gives on those Life Insurance questionnaire forms?
Posted by: Luis | May 02, 2012 at 08:11 AM
Thanks for the include FMF! See you in colorado!
Posted by: bob | May 02, 2012 at 12:42 PM