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July 15, 2012


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I am not a Christian yet. I think what the article has presented good values we can learn from.

If we have promised someone to help out, we should honor what we say. And if we cant deliver what was being promised for some reasons, we should try and look for alternative ways which can honor our promises.

This rings so true for me. I co-signed with my cousin, who also happens to be a good friend of mine, and now I cant buy investment property because that loan has my name on it. She was already late once on the loan which I had to pay up $350 to not get it on my credit(she did eventually pay back). I have asked her if she could refinance the loan with someone else and she does not appear to be working really hard at doing so. I am pretty stuck at the moment.

I think we don't take debt serious enough. You should only borrow money that you know you will pay back in full. If someone is asking for a co-signer that is a clue that there is question in the loaners mind.

I do not know if I ever would co-sign for a loan because I take it that seriously and unless that person displays that same character to me, I would have to say sorry.

If my brother or sister showed up on my door step broke and no place to stay they can have a room to sleep in my house and food off my table.

Cosign for a loan, I would not and they know it because I have been asked.

I agree about not co signing. But, God's Word also says "let your yes be yes and your no, no"Matthew 5:37. I think the New Covenant is clear about our charity to our fellow man. If it is something that you cannot afford, then by all means go back to your brother and get out of the situation, but, if it isn't and you have made a commitment, then you should honor it.

I have never co-signed for anything and never plan too.

I don't feel you should co-sign if you can't afford for that person to miss a payment. A true friend will understand when you have to say no.

I really like this direct correlation between a verse from the bible,and a concept that is too often taken lightly in the real world sense. Debt can absolutely ruin a persons financial situation, reputation and relationships with others. Too many people I know see loans and debt as something wishy washy, when in reality its a serious situation to be in. I would never be the kind of person to take a loan or spend money that I know I couldn't pay back- especially in the situation of a personal loan from a family member or a friend.

Surprised by the responses on here. Nothing wrong with co-signing if the person is reliable, trustworthy, and responsible. My dad cosigned on two loans for me because my credit was non-existent and they were paid off in full and on-time, completely by me. It helped me get through school and pay for a car. It got me on my feet.

I'm not suggesting to find a random 17 year old and cosign for a new Corvette, but the assumptions and descriptions made in those verses is nothing short of insulting to the people who have been on either side of a cosign, especially those attempting to help someone else.

How is giving away 20% of your income somehow so much less of a burden than merely signing your name on something that you may not even have to pay for? It's another form of charity in my eyes, and like any other financial decision, shouldn't be made without thought.

Steve: When you cosign, you are essentially saying that you are responsible for the full amount of the loan that's still outstanding, were anything to happen.

So, if you're correlating co-signing to giving away your income as a tithe/offering, then yes, there is nothing wrong with co-signing... IF you should have the entire amount of the loan set aside in a "giving" fund, and are able to fully repay the loan in case the primary on the loan happens to default in their payments.

Otherwise, if you do not have the full amount of the loan in accessible tender that you're able to give away, you are taking an oath that you might not be able to fulfill, which is against biblical principles.

I don't care about biblical principles, I'm talking about finances. Cosigning is a weighed decision just like anything else. Don't be stupid about it; same as every other financial decision we make.

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