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December 04, 2013


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I really do believe in this one "Quit "friendships" that don't give you energy. Your colleagues are not your friends." I have some of my friends that they are only good because they want something from me so I'm being wiser now.

Good job. How much coverage does your medical plan give you? What about property insurance? Sounds like you have more than enough funds to buy up and protect your lifestyle from derailment.

I see taxes in the income coming in per month. Could you please explain what those are?

Nice post. Like you, I live a very simple life. The focus is on family, friends and fun.It's easy to save when you can do without some of the less important things.

Great post! Really is true what you say about work.

Some answers for you people.

About the coverage: I pay €58.00 a month for full medical coverage. (with the maximum of 850€ own risk/year, this makes for a little cheaper insurance). I live in the Netherlands.
Property insurance: about €10/month. The house is taxed at €135.000.

The taxes/month with the income:
€ 50 for paying off my house in full.
€ 78 (each) government for paying for health insurance (our real income form work is really low, so we get the maximum each. You get progressively less and none if you have a normal income.

I have met quite a few young men like yourself. They were travel guides on most of the very exciting, enjoyable and memorable treks that I went on in my younger days, such as:

"The Andes, the Incas, & the Amazon"
"Around Annapurna"
"Everest Base Camp & Mt. Mera"
"The Okavango Delta in Botswana"
"Climbing Mt. Rainier, Mt. Baker, and Glacier Peak in Washington state"
"Climbing the Sacred Peaks in China"
"Annapurna & Dhaulagiri villages"

However these are expensive trips and it wouldn't have been possible to do them without having a pretty good income as an engineer along with 5 weeks vacation/year. My wife also came with me on two of them.

I believe our way of experiencing what the world has to offer was right for us since we also wanted to have children, live in a beautiful home, and have a life that would satisfy us throughout. We are now 79 and 80 so the adventurous phase is long gone. There was also an intermediate phase where our vacations were more conventional such as guided tours and river trips in Europe, China & Russia. However the bottom line for us is that a great life from beginning to end takes a lot of money. Both of us also received a lot of satisfaction from our work, mine as an aerospace engineer, and my wife as a teacher. We also visited our homeland of England a few times since emigrating to the New World at the age of 22.

Your life is very unconventional and would have never been desirable to me and my wife. We have travelled all over the world but our trips were limited to a maximum of 5 weeks/year because of our lifestyle.

It certainly takes different strokes for different folks.

We are nearing the end of a great life at ages 79 and 80 but wouldn't change a thing. We raised 3 children, both had very enjoyable and satisfying occupations, my wife as a teacher, me as an aerospace engineer. We left England at 22 and now live in Silicon Valley in California.

We're in the Golden years of retirement and enjoying life a lot even though we gave up travelling in 2010 because my wife's mobility has been affected by having two hip replacements and arthritis. No matter what your plans may be when you're young, your body sometimes changes them for you as you may find out decades from now.

Sounds great. Of course, only possible because (in addition to frugality) health care expenses are minimal (due to the dreaded socialized health care), retirement is provided for (government again!), and the rest of the social safety net stands. Just a thought for those of you who don't understand why some of us think it'd be better if we had these arrangements in the U.S. This guy could have, for instance, decided, if he'd wanted to, to start his own business without worrying about whether he'd lose his health care...

There are many pros & cons of socialized healthcare. England went to it very soon after WWII when the Labor government came into power. The big problem was that the healthcare system then became very overloaded and the waiting time to see specialists and to receive expensive tests became extremely long. My own mother had to wait about a year with a lot of pain before she saw a specialist and had X-rays and by the time the diagnosis was made they found very large kidney stones which greatly shortened her life. My experience of the US healthcare system has been just the opposite I can't say enough good things about it, however we have always had excellent healthcare through my employer and still both receive it even though I retired from Lockheed Martin in 1992. It also helps that we live in Silicon Valley and are in a healthcare plan that is associated with Stanford University. Once you are old enough for Medicare it's amazing how little it costs for everything including hospital stays, specialists, tests, and expensive precriptions. In our case they have made a lot of money on me but paid out a huge amount of money in my wife's case, but that's the way insurance is meant to work - the very healthy help pay for the very sick.

I should have also mentioned that in the British system there is no charge or monthly fee for any healthcare services, even for tourists - it's all paid for by the government. Sounds good! The problem however is TAXES. There is a Value Added Tax of 20% on everything you buy except food and children's clothing and the income tax rates vary between 10% and 50% depending upon your income. Our system is far better in my opinion.

I have lived in England, OL. Actually the NHS is "no fee at point of service"--that doesn't mean they won't come after ineligible patients (such as foreign nationals who don't meet certain requirements) for payment afterwards.

Also I have received very good health care in the US. But that was a result of very good insurance from a very well-paid job. I see many people who don't have that luxury who are left suffering. I would rather we all paid more taxes and all got taken care of.

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