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October 24, 2016


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First, I didn't read the link, so I don't know if it's covered there. That said, I would think it's correlation, but not causation. Though I did pick up the "they're related". Those who are already predisposed toward leading are also great learners, and of course one of the best ways to learn is by reading.

I'm a reader, but I wasn't always. It was when we gave up cable TV 4 years ago that I really got into it. I was much more a casual reader before. I mostly read fiction and theological books, while my financial, sports and political reading is on the web - no magazines anymore.

Memories, that's my take too. My guess is the die is cast in childhood-- those who developed a love for reading in grammar school likely excelled as students who grew up to rule the world and mostly continued their reading habits as adults. I don't know how much incremental earning power accrued to those who only started to read seriously in adulthood. Also I imagine that more is not better-- those who spend their lives buried in literature probably are not the best-heeled. Still I think it's a strong hint to those who are rearing children!

I was a book learner who absorbed written material much more effectively than lectures. I like reading simple elegant prose, but not so much fiction, I prefer long form narratives that explain how a system works or the occasional historical archive. In finance my favorites are periodicals-- Economist, Bloomberg, and Barron's. I almost never read books, and I especially avoid those proffering self-improvement. I've never listened to an audio book. I don't watch television or movies, so I easily spend more than an hour a day reading.

If the movers and shakers are avid readers, this would suggest that it's the writers who shape the world. And yet in recent times it seems to have gotten harder to earn a living in journalism or arts & letters. Perhaps technology has driven this split between a shrinking pool of "top talent" vs all the rest? If so, I think this is making the world a more rigid and less dynamic place. Perhaps more efficient, but growth may be stunted.

I have never gotten into Podcasts mainly cause I do not know of a single good place that provides it. Is this mainly done through the smart phone and, instead of going through many areas, are there good Podcasts that can be listed here on Finance, Self-Improvement, Wealth, Investing and Health that can be provided by someone? Thanks much in advance.

Similar question to Kenny. Are there any good audio CDs or books that I can pick from the library? I used to read a lot, but the nature of my work (in installed base) is not allowing me to spend more time doing these activities. But I can listen.

@Kenny and @ Sam

Check this link out (and the comments) for some podcast suggestions:

@Sam --

Look for the books above on CD at Amazon or at your library. My library has tons of audio books but I still have to buy some as they don't have everything I want.

Books, especially non-fiction, but also fiction, have really helped me grow over the years. If nothing else, you enhance your critical thinking skills, your ability to focus, and your ability to communicate effectively. I just need to find time to read with twin toddlers now in the picture. We're resigned to watching The Office reruns on Netflix these days.

Read more, want less. There's truth to this in that reading anything that's not mandated by some form of structured lower or higher education is intrinsically motivated for the most part.

Further, when we value our abilities and knowledge (and their growth), we become more valuable to ourselves and to others. We also get increasingly clear about what matters to us and we tend to pursue it, rather than restricting ourselves to a long list of "shoulds". We do what feels right, because we know better, literally (or literarily?). This is the "stuff" of success.

I absolutely loved YMOYL and would also recommend Viktor Frankl's Man's Search for Meaning.

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