Here's a topic for discussion: do you make New Year's resolutions each year or do you think they are a waste of time?
I'll be interested to hear your responses.
Personally, I'm a big resolution maker. I break my resolutions down by subject (like "family", "finances", etc.) and make commitments that are both daily (i.e. "workout") as well as bigger-picture (i.e. "take three trips with family this year").
I then track them all via a spreadsheet each day and hold myself accountable to accomplish a vast majority of them (I actually have a point system that scores my efforts and I need to be above a certain goal to be "successful" for the year. Yes, I'm a resolution geek/nerd.)
I credit setting resolutions with helping me achieve financial independence. It's those day-by-day goals I've worked on for years and years (decades really) that have added up and created a large enough net worth for me to retire in my early 50's. Without them, there's no way I would be as far along as I am today.
How about you? Resolutions or not?
I don't do any new year's resolutions, but I'm always hardcore future-focused.
A lot of new years resolutions revolve around fitness. I'm always in the shape I want to be in, so pretty much my goals each year are financially-related, like make more money or finish certain projects.
What sorts of resolutions did you make this year?
Posted by: Lyn | January 02, 2017 at 08:00 PM
I don't normally make resolutions. If I do, I don't stick to them long. Life and schedule (travel way too much for work) get in the way.
This year I'd like to be different (like everyone) and see if I make some meaningful goals that motivate me longer.
So very much looking forward to seeing a good post from you on your process as well as your resolutions to stimulate some ideas on my side.
Best Wishes for a Happy, Healthy, and Prosperous 2017!!!
Thank you fora ll you do, it is appreciated.
Posted by: B | January 03, 2017 at 08:55 AM
We should always be setting goals and having resolve to pursue them tenaciously. But we shouldn't need a calendar date to prompt us to do it. It should be a year-round, life-long thing. The Growth Mindset, if you will.
Posted by: Bad_Brad | January 06, 2017 at 01:01 AM