Money magazine ran a piece on "Four Ways to Cut Your Medical Bills" which inspired this response in a letter to the editor:
Here is my list of free measures that can be taken to save on health care costs that are usually underutilized:
1. Don't get overweight.
2. Do get some regular exercise.
3. Don't smoke.
4. Don't overuse alcohol or don't use it at all.
5. Don't use illicit drugs.
6. Do get enough sleep.
7. Do wear your seat belt.
Over my 31 years as a practicing internal medicine physician, most of my patients would have been better off just following these rules.
My thoughts on these:
1. I work out six times per week (three days of weights and three of cardio.) I also have a trainer that I meet with regularly. I have lost 20 pounds and am in the best shape of my life. I know that there are health reasons to be the right weight. I also know that not being overweight can help you save money and earn more as well.
2. In addition to what I said above, I feel better when I exercise too. There are many financial benefits to being healthy and in good shape. For one thing, it makes you more attractive which is one step in making more money.
3. I've been writing a long time about not smoking. Check out this post from 2005. My summary then holds true today: You're paying a lot of money to kill yourself. ;)
4. I don't use alcohol as I have a policy against drinking my calories. Besides, I generally don't like the taste.
5. Uh, no drugs.
6. If you work out, you'll probably sleep better (I do). And sleeping better has a whole host of positive benefits.
7. Of course. Does anyone NOT wear their seat belt these days?
How about you? How do you rate on these seven tips?
1) BMI < 20
2) asthma prevents me from anything more strenuous than walking
3,4,5) all clean
6) always; I think it's the main benefit of being FI
7) always when I drive; my daily commute is on mass transit
I'd add the following to the list (although I'm not a MD and I don't play one on TV):
8) do something uplifting every day like talking with friends or family, reading good Samaritan stories, or tending your garden
9) take your annual physical exam including lab tests; cost is relatively small and the benefit could be enormous
10) eat/drink less salt and less sugar, it'll mean fewer pills and needles down the road
Posted by: freebird | December 18, 2017 at 10:37 AM